Title: Executive - Occupational Health & Safety
Biyagama, Western Province, Sri Lanka
About Brandix
Driven by curiosity, Brandix is a digital-first company that addresses unmet needs by manufacturing empowered apparel solutions, delivered by inspired people. Our 50-year history is built on life-long relationships with global partners who share our purpose: inspiring a future that drives prosperity for everyone.
Key purpose of the Job
The Executive – Occupational Health & Safety is responsible for implementing the Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) standards and compliance requirements for the concerned plant location. The role includes implementation of safety processes, monitoring adherence to safety standards by employees and contractors/outsourced staff, safety training, coordinating safety committee meetings and conducting OH&S audits for compliance.
Key Responsibilities:
- Implementing checklists, inspections and audits of OH&S requirements, as per SOPs, statutory and compliance requirements.
- Coordinating plant OH&S initiatives, including safety training, safety committee meetings, reporting/investigation of incidents, PTW implementation, etc.
- Working with the internal and external stake holders for achievement of plant OH&S objectives, including MIS and reporting as per guidelines.
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